Watch this video of a Seattle Police Officer Paul Schene beating the snot out of a 15 year old girl.
A grown man, under "color of authority" beats this girl severely... it is a miracle that she is not brain damaged or dead...
Here's the best part:
He was tried on 4th degree assault (only because there is no 5th degree assault... that would be defined as massage with healing-warm-oils) on 2 separate occasions, and in both cases the case resulted in mis-trials with hung juries.
Got that?
Watch that video again. Now, imagine a set of circumstances leading up to that beating... and tell me what kind of people would give this man the "benefit of the doubt"?
Answer: Nancy Grace viewers.
Not only is it illegal to ride a skate board but apparently it is illegal to videotape police officers beating people.
Our elected officials and the Courts need to wrap this up... cameras are now EVERYWHERE... what kind of human being would point a gun at someone for using a camera?
I have been trying to get data on police killings by year since from 1940 on... my sense is that, as a percentage of population police killings of unarmed citizens has risen dramatically... but I am looking for empirical data... I have written the FBI... if anyone out there has any data please email me:
Libertariananimal (at) yahoo (dot) com
Until enough people ban together police brutality will continue. They maybe a small percentage but they support each other. when a citizen is attacked and can fight back he or she is quickly overwhelmed and the whole thing hushed up or twisted to cover it up. Which is why LEOs hate video so much.
ReplyDeleteI found this site linked from one of my links this morning Greg.
The neat thing about our system is that it only takes getting to one juror (or his family) to keep you from being convicted. The mob understands that quite well, so do the police. 'That's a pretty daughter/wife you have there, be a pity if anything happened to her.'
ReplyDeleteMind you, it may not have been that way. Some folks won't convict because they figure the ex-policeman's chances of surviving any significant time in prison are poor or worse. They'd be right, too. A child abuser and cop? I don't know if he could be kept alive in solitary. Inmates have a Harsh view of people like that, and nothing but time to figure out ways to get them.
Would I have convicted him? Of course.
Cameras are a great way to figure out if it's a good cop or bad cop. A good cop likes a camera, it proves he did as he said. a bad cop hates a camera, it proves he didn't.