"I do not recognize anyone's right to one minute of my life. Nor to any part of my energy. Nor to any achievement of mine. No matter who makes the claim, how large their number or how great their need. I recognize no obligation toward men except one: to respect their freedom." - Ayn Rand
So the maid accusing DSK worked at the hotel as an in house prostitute (anybody surprised by this? I lived in New York most of my life, and NYC just isn;t Mayberry RFD)... there are no coincidences in this world. SOMEBODY got to her and set him up - excellent work on their part... I guess "they" could do little about her background... it would have been hard to get Maureen Dowd to take the mission on... I suspect they got what they wanted. Perhaps it had to do with the IMF... more likely with the French presidency.
It is also fairly amusing to listen to America's women respond to all of this... a fair majority just cannot fathom how DSK's wife doesn't ditch him with a good slap in the face for the cameras... I suspect that the DSK's have an interesting and amusing love life arrangement. Good on them.
This is how FOS we have become... living in a land of Disney animal character fantasies as we pick up our beef burger (slaughtered cow) sandwiches in the driven-thru complete with plastic toys of said animal characters... ever notice that none of the characters are cows? We have laws preventing the slaughter of horses in a country that slaughters millions of cows, hogs, and chickens every year? In what universe does that make sense? Is there a hierarchy in the "rights" of animals? Really? Show me where it is written. The Bible? The Constitution? The Magna Carta? In one breath/scream certain elements were calling for the execution of Michael Vick for killing/fighting dogs... and in the next they were setting rat traps in their basements. Anybody see a lack of consistency there? Certainly not the prosecutors that got famous in the Vick case or the defense counsel that got rich... Millions of $$ in resources squandered in a nation where 1 in 7 people are on FOOD STAMPS... just another example of the complete absence of cost/benefit analysis within our governing bodies.
Read this article on a Canadian Court's ruling on Medical Marijuana. This is happening in a country that shares a 3000 mile border with the U.S. The tide is going to overwhelm the lunatics supporting/promoting/provoking our insane "War on Drugs".
A first, baby step, to end the insanity of the War on Drugs.
I am not a fan of the President's policies... BUT... Under no circumstance would I refer to a sitting U.S. President as a "D**k" in a public forum. WTF is with us? I watched in horror the Looney Left's "Bush Derangement Syndrome". I watch in equal horror at the equally Looney Right's "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I could not agree more with the moniker that John Avlon hung on all of this: "Pathological Hatred of the President Posing as Patriotism". I reject it out of hand as being beneath us as a democratic people and nation. This not political discourse. This is biting the heads off of chickens.
For all of our troubles, the U.S. is still our homeland and country. We have democratically elected leaders. No president is ever going to win 100%, or 90%, or 80%, or 70% of the popular vote... ergo, there will always be a sitting president whom a great many people did not vote for... yet whoever that individual is... he is still THE PRESIDENT of the United States of America.
I couldn't care less about Monica's dress, GWB former drinking habits, or BHO's former Cocaine use... when they are sitting in that seat, I care about their performance of their duties.
One of the problems for Libertarianism in the past is that we won't pay people off for voting for us. Perhaps this is a time where we might gain support without that.
No cows but there is a show that starrs a bull.with a udder
I stand corrected!