Monday, July 25, 2011

No More Timothy McVeigh's - PLEASE

"So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private individuals will occasionally kill theirs." - Elbert Hubbard.


92 People have been slaughtered in a political statement by an individual in Norway. The killer was quoted as saying the killings were "atrocious, but necessary".

Isn't that what government's say from the safety of their offices when when they drop a bomb from an airplane or joy stick guided predator drone kills 75 people in a wedding party?

Timothy McVeigh used a car bomb to blow up a Federal Building, killing 168 innocent people.

He did this, according to all reports, to take the "fight the enemy"... a government that killed 82 people in gun battles and by a fire that erupted in the Branch Davidian compound at the Waco, Texas; and, 3 people in the Ruby Ridge incident.

Unintended consequences are everywhere.

I have no idea how the Norway killer's claimed beef would lead him to kill innocents.  Crazy people often invent their own... but any American with any sense watching this has got to be saying "there but for the grace of G-d go us"... but that's wishful thinking... whistling past the cemetery... because something like this will almost certainly happen here.

We have a media that does NOTHING but incite political hatred, special interest groups with no sense of restraint or responsibility, and a government hell bent on micro-managing and regulating our lives... people who are healthy and well fed and who sleep in a warm bed every night and who have never missed a meal are as angry and as full of rage as a starving hoard... and over what?

Please tell me what these people are so angry about? Not a thing. Their anger has been contrived by special interest groups and given to them on a media platter in order to manipulate government policy for the purposes of gaining access to the cash cow of government deficit spending.

Here's an idea. Today, and just today, don't be angry. Don't watch Oprah or Keith Olberman or Glenn Beck (he's off now, isn't he? Sorry, I don't watch TV) and, at all costs,  stay clear of the Matron de Rage - Nancy Grace.


My old desk partner from Bear Stearns sent this to me today: "In Africa, Wealth Breeds Rage"

Dear New York Times Columnist: Wealth is breeding rage here, too. I've been a stone cold free market capitalist my entire life... and what we have here in America IS NOT free-market capitalism.... it is free-market corporate cronyism.... and it has placed us at risk.


I have been doing some research into the reproductive habits of our elected officials and political pundits and bloggers (where I can find the data) to support or disprove my theory that the Left's procreative habits are dooming them politically. Without question, elected and appointed Democrats have fewer children than Republicans... women elected to the Senate, the House, and appointed to the SCOTUS has fewer children than men in the same positions... pro-Life officials have significantly more children than their pro-abortion counterparts... I was doing this just for fun and not terribly scientifically... but I think (not "sure"... I said think) I have noticed a trend... a disturbing trend... and I want to ask for some help from anybody willing to do a little research... here's the trend that I am noticing:

Elected and appointed officials, and... Bloggers and pundits and activists in the Left/Feminist camp seem to have more female children in proportion to male children than would be expected. Look, I am just saying this is what I am noticing and I want to make it clear that I have not selected the data set by any particular scientific method... only by availability. That disclosure aside, I do think that this issue deserves a proper examination. Accordingly, I am looking for some volunteers to help compile the data.

Any takers? If not you, perhaps you could forward this to someone interested in the abortion debate. No doubt there are people out there that might find this to be worth pursuing... though, once again, this is more a nagging doubt than anything. However, I do have a knack for picking up patterns in data...

I would think the best data set would be the offspring of record for the graduating classes of 1978 to 1988 of the 3 largest and most prestigious universities with close ties to the Left and a data set of the offspring of record for every person elected to the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, each State House, the U.S. Supreme Court and each state Supreme Court.  That should be a large enough sample.

Let the truth take us where it may.

Libertariananimal (at) yahoo (dot) com


  1. That sort of massacre won't be happening so easily here, at least here in Arizona. Any would-be killers would get shot by their victims, unless it was a 'gun-free' zone.
    I'll see what information I can get you on number and gender of politician's children for my state.

  2. I have been reading Anders Brievik's manifesto and he connects feminism and cultural socialism pretty well. In fact I have been amazed that no news agency has picked up on it yet. As for the breeding results of feminist and politicians I am afraid I have zero contacts in that arena. Most of either of those groups avoid me like the plague.

  3. Pioneer: I am looking for some folks to help me compile data... Perhaps you could take on the Missouri State houses... if you know of others interested in this issue, please have them email me... but I really think that this will not be that hard to do... and I think that what the data shows would be unassailable - what ever it is, it is.

  4. Sure Greg I will see what I can find out about the Missouri houses. Not sure how to find that info on current members but I will start with a google search and go from there :)

  5. Reminds me of something I read that a rabbi wrote about radical boomers "Thief parents gave them everything they could possibly want, and they hate them for it."

    I would love to help but I just moved and things are a bit hectic at the moment. Typing this on a pesky android phone. If you are still collecting data in a month or so.

  6. Spot on on the tellyscreen. Stop watching it and you will be much happier.

  7. Sent you a spreadsheet. From the looks of the Arizona Legislature (aka the 90 dwarves) your hypothesis thrives.
    Senate Boy Girl Unknown
    Rep 22 13 20
    Dem 2 3 2
    Rep 21 15 44
    Dem 5 10 16
