Monday, July 18, 2011

A Nation of 12-year-olds

"Through violence, you may ‘solve’ one problem, but you sow the seeds for another." - The Dalai Lama


The drama coming out of Washington, D.C. is all about the 2012 elections... and not a cent of it is about fixing the essential problem, and that is this:

Over the past 30 or 40 years or so, the Washington establishment overreached on every front and in every capacity, and said establishment is having a difficult time coming to grips with this and how it might affect them. The Washington Establishment is completely unconcerned with you.

Our founder's knew this, and had made provision for it... but then a Great Depression came along and the establishment during that time had "to do something" about that... which "required" them to subrogate their political expediencies for the U.S. Constitution.... and here we are.

Our political system (the Constitution) was not designed to withstand the government itself ignoring it... The Constitution would only work if the government abided by it.  And to be fair to FDR, Lincoln was the first U.S. president to completely depart from our founding document... funny, as a result each of these dead president's was favored for this with a likeness on U.S. coinage... but I digress...

Now read the above quote again... the government has a monopoly on violence... we know it as "Law Enforcement". Whether a cop with a gun or the IRS with a tax lien, the government uses its monopoly on violence to fund itself and its programs, be they Constitutional or not... as the Dalai Lama so rightly points out, when you solve one problem using "violence" you sow the seeds for other problems... and that is exactly what all of the social programs cooked up by the FDR and Great Society folks have done. They solved one set of problems - temporarily -  and have sowed the seeds for myriad other problems... which we are trying to sort out as I write this... Government loves this. Each problem will require a new commission of bedfellows of the establishment, new powers and new laws - which must be enforced... which leads to new restrictions on our freedoms, more prisons and prisoners, which means more and more police/judiciary/justice personnel and the budgets to pay them... and massive taxes on the private sector... and in order to secure the votes for the programs somebody has to benefit from this largess, and those that benefit build their lives around this benefit... our government is in the business of addicting people to this largess.

(And I am not suggesting the government shouldn't have the monopoly on violence. The alternative is a "War Lord" society.  What I am suggesting is that the sheer size of that monopoly is endangering the Constitution itself.)

This includes not just the social programs and the prison/"justice"/industrial complex... but the military industrial complex, too. In fact, the social programs require the military/industrial complex be of the size and scope that it is in order to enforce US$ hegemony... after all, without that why would the world fund the deficits that fund the social programs? They wouldn't. In the final analysis, it is the LEFT far more than the RIGHT that supports the U.S. War Machine.

The Left can't stand to hear this, yet absolutely, positively refuse to answer the charge... always preferring to obfuscate the chain of events I raise with arguments about income distribution, abortion, and gay marriage. Of course the Right is equally as delinquent... having done such a poor job of politicking, the Right has been left with no choice other than to align itself with some very objectionable people.  And the result? America's body politic has been divided up between our "educated intelligentsia" on the Left whose 2 primary issues are the right to kill unborn babies and the right for 2 people who can't possibly have children together to marry; and the Right whose primary issue is to raise the bile of superstitious white people concerned with school prayer and "under G-d" and other such non-issues in "fly-over land".  WTF??!!

No wonder the fastest growing political affiliation is the Independents, mostly comprised of Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and other Thinking Peoples. If you are a thinking person affiliated with one of those other monstrosities, its time come on home.

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