Quote of the day:
"You ought to be able to raise your voice in your own house without risk of arrest." Mass. Governor Deval Patrick on the arrest of a Harvard professor in HIS OWN HOME FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT.
He went on to describe the arrest as "every black man's nightmare".
Dear Governor: You and your special interest group are NOT SPECIAL. This is EVERY AMERICAN'S NIGHTMARE.
The problem here was not a Rogue Cop... this is a Rogue system. The fact that the Officer "followed proceedures" indicates, to me, a problem with the f%&$ing proceedures.
Only this time, they messed with a very well connected, powerful figure from a politically feared speacial interest group. He has the president to weigh in. What about you? Or me?
We have over funded our "justice system" and our military to the point that we are breaking the back of the economic system, and we are losing our freedoms in the process.
Libertariananimal (at) gmail (d0t) com
No powerful group; government, military, police, whatever, are going to say,"We have too much power, we are going to scale back". They are more likely to say,"We know what's best for you, and until you do what we think you should do, we'll need more resources to make you do it".
ReplyDeleteI Britain its worse; surveillance cameras on literally every street, the police want everyone to have identity cards with DNA, fingerprints and other biometric data, a new law means they can monitor emails and web searches, etc, etc.
But the only answer I can think of is to detach yourself from The System, re-establish local power-groups to renegotiate their terms of reference from a position of some power.
Or maybe its just a product of excessive wealth and the Depression will cut their funding. (Or give them more reason, civil strife, to INCREASE their power!)
Any other ideas?
The unsustainable system will implode on its own at some point.
ReplyDeleteI hope that any "implosion" leaves us with a better result.
No powerful group; government, military, police, whatever, are going to say,"We have too much power, we are going to scale back". They are more likely to say,"We know what's best for you, and until you do what we think you should do, we'll need more resources to make you do it".
I am going to use that in a future post because I absolutely, positively could not say it any better. You sure are starting to sound like a Libertarian Animal.
This has been happening the world over, but America SHOULD be different - and I think it will be.
i don't think this had anything to do with race (except perhaps for the neighbor who called in the cops, unless s/he just has a personal beef with the prof). i tend to think that in this case what we're seeing has a lot more to do with a couple of prideful guys incapable of saying "oops, i screwed up and got carried away." then we have interest groups on both sides closing ranks over a falsly applied racial issue, instead of saying (they both got carried away), and a president who should have known to keep his mouth shut on this one when he had much more important things to talk about. i guess he got carried away. oops.
ReplyDeleteGravitar; I'd say you're fooling yourself. We are all racist and tribal, it is normal and we make it seem reasonable. It may not be PC, but some of the most racist people are tribal blacks in Africa or the tribal Asians in Pakistan, Afganistan and India, and the tribal Arabs in Somalia, Saudi, Iraq, etc, etc.
ReplyDeleteIn this case the tribal white police were probably reacting to a black guy outside a nice house, just like it seems.