Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Power Grab Continues

I watch the Obama's administration's disgusting power grab of healthcare with morbid fascination.

Anybody really think this is about providing "healthcare" for fat, drug taking, hard drinking, tobacco using, driving without seat belts, unsafe sex practicing poor people?  Really??!!

I come from that segment of society, and I can assure you that no one in government gave a rat's ass about the people from my father's family's south Philly or my mother's family's Bronx neighborhoods.  Zip.  Zero. Zilch. Bupkiss.  Nada.  Ugatz. 

But it looks good for rich, Harvard lawyers to appear to care about the "poor".

The sad fact is, FDR's social policies increased the population of the "poor" (and thank heavens, or I might not be here), and now the new FDR's are preaching to their choir - the choir of their creation - for the purposes of their peculiar agenda.

George Orwell’s most pointed criticism of political leaders was their misuse of language to further their wicked agendas. He exposes the outrageous abuse of words in 1984 and Animal Farm. The ruling elite manipulate the language as an instrument of control over the masses.

“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.” George Orwell

The intelligentsia understands that the masses can be manipulated with convincing talking points and misleading slogans. Politicians never tell their constituents they are doing some pork barrel spending. Every dollar of new spending is spun as “investment spending”. We have evidently made $11.6 trillion of “investments” in our National Debt. Somehow we enacted “campaign finance reform” and still manage to spend $1.3 billion on political campaigns. Our beloved numbskull Vice President Joe Biden said last week, “We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt”. President Bush said, “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free market system”. President Obama insisted that the only way to save our country from catastrophe caused by excessive debt was to borrow $700 billion and spend it on infrastructure projects, of which only 3.5% was allocated to our crumbling infrastructure. During the Vietnam War a U.S. Major declared, “It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.” In 1947 the government changed the name of the Department of War to the Department of Defense, as we today have garrisons of 100,000 troops in 117 foreign countries. The Department of Homeland Security, Patriot Act, and War on Terror are all deceptive titles and slogans purposely meant to hoodwink Boobus Americanus.

“In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history." George Orwell

President Obama and his cronies hammer away that 47 million Americans are uninsured. It is a lie, but that does not deter them from continuing to make the claim. The latest Census report says that within the borders of the United States as of 2007 there were 45.65 million people without health insurance. But this number included 9.73 million foreigners, leaving only 35.92 Americans who were uninsured. Among the uninsured in the United States there were also 9.1 million people making more than $75,000 per year who did not choose to purchase health insurance. Therefore, we are imposing a trillion dollar solution for 28 million people who are poor and uninsured. That is $36,000 per person while imposing a huge invasive bureaucracy on the lives of the other 278 million Americans. The masses believe the lies.
The U.S. is not in bad enough shape, according to the Obama Administration.  What we REALLY need is to spend $36,000 PER PERSON for a "healthcare" plan the rest of the population does not want or need.

(BTW, anybody want to refute Mr. Quinn's math?  Have at it.)

The U.S. had a shot to elect Ron Paul.  I get ill that we past on the opportunity.  Then we had a chance to elect a 1 term, very unpredictable, war hero president.  Mr. "Unpredictable" would have at least given us a shot.  Now we are stuck with a bunch of guys that have never worked for an honest living (sorry, but if you have not carried a lunch box to work on a cold morning, or sweated it out on a hot roof in summer, or met payroll by the skin of your teeth, or paid back ALL OF YOUR STUDENT LOANS from the sweat of your brow... you don't know what an honest living is.  That would sum up Obama, Bernake, Summers, Geitner, et al...).  McCain might have been a "Republican", but after the way he conducted himself as a POW he had street cred... but, no, the Republicans rejected Paul in favor of McCain, and then the people rejected McCain in favor of the Wizard of Change, President Kum By Ya.

But let's be truthful.  Which people?  After all, not everyone voted for Kum By Ya.  No, KBY was able to cobble together enough folks by combining nearly 100% of the African American votes (I would say the very definition of racism is voting for or against a candidate based solely on the color of their skin), with 100% of the gay and lesbian vote, 100 % of the pro-abortion vote, and a huge majority of the coastal elites, and folks looking for something for nothing or a continuation of their time on the dole - including the AARP set, who are getting FAR MORE in benefits than they paid in at the expense of people now in their 30's and 40's (people in their 20's will likely get what they paid in... not much).

Sorry, but it is going to be tough to beat that at the polls until the system falls apart.  That is why I believe that the Republicans will survive in name only, and even the name might not make it.  The Democrats are going to run the table until the dice can be rolled no more, and they are going to bring the U.S. down like a rock in a pond.

Let me give you an example, one of the many "why"s that you won't read in our slanted press.

The Liberal Democrats, for reasons completely unclear to me, have made NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER to reign in the far flung military empire of the U.S.  Wouldn't those resources be better off spent here in the U.S. rather than defending South Korea, Germany, Japan, et al? Didn't KBY's supporters claim he would shut down the empire and bring the troops home?  OK, where are they?  The same place they are going to be when President KBY leaves office, unless we have some kind of currency crisis first.


I have no f^&*%^$$ing idea.  But there they are, and there they will stay until the bitter end.

OK, Liberal Democrats, where is the effort to employ poor people on the public dole for food stamps in gardens of their own?  Why no poultry houses and dairy barns on the grounds of public housing projects?  Why no funding for shovels and picks and seeds and greenhouses? 

Why? Because Heaven forbid, these folks might learn to care and think for themselves, and the Left can't have that.  Before you know it, this constituency that the Left depends so much upon might also begin DIY projects on their homes and find gainful employment trying to turn a (GASP!) profit - and that is out of the f$%#@ing question.

So, relocalization types, don't count on a great deal of help from the party you adore.  

It just isn't in their best interests.

Libertariananimal@ gmail (d0t) com


  1. I'd like to deconstruct your post:

    1/. You hate Obama and all he stands for.
    2/. You don't agree with his healthcare proposals, because;
    a) they offend your libertarian principles
    b)they cost too much
    3/. The money spent on 'protecting' the rest of the World could be better spent at home.

    1/. Can't do much about this one - you'll hate everything he does, which is easy because politics is a balancing act and its easy enough to take, in your words, the other side of the trade.

    For the moment I'm still in the 'benefit of the doubt' phase because I'm an uninvolved spectator, but I don't understand why he's doing what he's doing. I'm guessing there's a lot of crap that only the Administration can smell.

    2/. Healthcare. My view is that healthcare-for all-is an enlightened policy, which secures the health and productivity of the workforce and reduces the possibility of dangerous diseases and pandemics. Also the way a country treats its own citizens has to be a true measure of its moral purpose.

    I'd say that implementing healthcare is initially expensive because of catching up with previous popular self-abuse, but longer term costs tend to reduce because of pre-emptive care.

    But the costs in the US are extremely high because you are overcharged by the healthcare bandwagon of overpaid hospitals, specialists, consultants and, especially, rip-off insurance companies. THAT'S the problem you need to sort out. As I've said before, per capita you pay more than France which has (oficially) the best healthcare system (for everybody) in the world.

    3/. I agree, America should stop trying to be the World's policeman, send the troops and CIA 'advisors' home, and deal with its own problems like drugs and home-grown militants.

    But it's interfering has been almost entirely for self-interested political, not altruistic reasons. Fighting communism, or terrorism, or fighting for democracy, are all euphemisms for replacing governments who are not conducive to US business interests! Most of the countires the US has tried to 'rescue' will be glad to see the back of you!

    Greg; I think there's a fine line between Libertarian and Republican (like the inherited wealth thing we spoke of before) and between Libertarian and Left, where intentions are often the same but methods differ.

    I'd say you're more Republican then Libertarian! ;-)

  2. Donal:

    A secular, self-educated-white-trash fellow that despises the "War on Drugs" is hardly the kind of "Republican" that "Republicans" are looking for... but it is true that I am a life long registered Republican... but like other Special Interest Groups, we come in different flavors.

    I do NOT hat Obama. I despise his supporters.... there is a significant difference. I expect ALL politicians to say what is needed to get elected... it is the people that BELIEVE that nonsense that annoy the living sh*t out of me.

    On the healthcare thing...

    The U.S. had a great system (economically speaking), after WWII. There were no big pools of cash, and the market kept prices for healthcare services in check. Healthcare WILL BE RATIONED, like it or not, deny it or not.... the question is this:


    The free market of FREE PEOPLE or the government for the SHEEPLE?

    Mish had a great line "It is axiomatic that the demand for free services is unlimited". What is so hard to understand?

    Back to Obama... the same low self -esteem people that cried for Michael Jackson, a person they had never met, voted for Barak Obama. Welcome to the MTVization of American politics. In the future only young, good looking, hip people will get elected. They will have fantastic parties and hot babes... an entorage... with theme music... all very distracting from the business at hand.

    And calling me a "Republican"? Why, because I espouse an ethic of personal responsibility? Said "personal responsibility" is a reality irrespective of whether one pays attention to it or not, and it is going to become infinitely more acute over the next decade.

    Lastly, the relocalisaztion guys have the perfect set to do their relocalizing trick on... the small city and town public housing projects. These folks are going to be in dire straights, and will become a danger to all around them... why no effort to get them relocalized with gardens, poultry houses, and dairy barns? Because the educated elites would actually have to get their hands dirty confronting REAL issues.

  3. Gregg:

    If you don’t like the way things are just wait a spell and they will change dramatically. There will be a period of rapid elite turnover in the near future, hopefully without massive bloodshed, but it’s not a given. Currently we are deadlocked and the status quo is untenable thus a collapse in the way things are is inevitable. People who normally do not pay attention to politics are as things collapse and as the games go on the anger is rising. I don’t pretend to know when or how that anger translates to action but unless they can return to the 2006 status quo, it will be acted upon.

    I only hope that it’s our political party that collapses and not the republic. I say our party because there really is only one party; the differences are merely semantics that don’t flow through into actions. E.g. you can vote for candidate A who supports plan A or candidate B who supports plan A.

    At any rate we are no longer “putting it off on our children” if you are alive today you will more than likely be alive when the bill comes due.

  4. I agree with the localisation thing - that's why I'm involved with the Transition movement. (Let's start on a positive ;-)

    Now the rest:
    As I recall the first political media superstar was Reagan - wasn't he a Republican? Then there was Arnie .... Or is it OK for repubicans to vote for media folk but not Democrats. At least Obama is a lawyer, is a self-made guy, and is intelligent!

    Yes, of course healthcare is rationed. Its usually rationed by doctors or by medical boards. In the UK and France there is a complex system of control which agrees which drugs are free (almost all) based on efficacy and results. There is a limit to the pot of money. But you can still go buy the drugs or operation if you want to sell your house or dip into your pension. And its STILL way cheaper than your system!!

    I agree absolutely with personal responsibility. But how about advantage? Supposing you were born black or stupid or in the wrong part of town or you mother was an addict, how much disadvantage is it reasonable for an individual to overcome? Or suppose your grandad was called Kennedy - how much advantage do you deserve? If you don't start with a level playing field, all further discussion about personal responsibility is flawed.

  5. Donal:

    I am unwilling to let government power level the playing field.

    Life is unfair.

    I was born 6 weeks and a couple of miles from JFK, Jr. We went home to very different circumstances. We both belonged to the NY Athletic Club in Mid-Town, and i would see him there occasionally. Nice enough guy; he was wealthy enough to be able to own an airplane... I wasn't... worked out OK for me, not so much for him...

    Life is NOT fair.

  6. Over the weekend, Kunstler linked to an interesting piece from Charles Hugh Smith..... "The 'Impossible' Healthcare Solution: Go Back to Cash"

    One way or the other, this is where we are headed.

  7. I starting to think that I may be a Libertarian
