Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Harrison Bergeron"

Quote of the day -

"As society becomes more competitive and more meritocratic, income inequality is likely to rise simply as a consequence of the underlying -inequality—which is very great—between people that is due to differences in IQ, energy, health, social skills, character, ambition, physical attractiveness, talent, and luck." - Richard Posner, senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School and judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Any of my Leftist readers care to comment on that?

(only half tongue in cheek)

You wanna know why the Left does not want capitalist's making millions and showing those millions off? Well, we all KNOW why, we just don't want to admit it.

It is all about SEX.

Men build buildings, buy sports teams, go into the movie business, etc... for one reason only - and its not or achitectural reviews, championship rings, and oscars... it is to attract sexual partners. (My 86 year old mother recently said that if women ran around with a mattress on their backs, we would have never made it out of the caves... I love really old people, they don't give a sh*t about your PC requirements.)

And nothing pisses off the inadequate more than the love lives of the really, really rich and famous.

Of course, when the really, really rich and famous get old, they revert from the arrogance of youth to the hyopocrisy of age without skipping a beat. Perhaps they feel guilty, or perhaps when those waves of testosterone turn to a trickle their thoughts turn to less carnal issues.

Who knows?

Who cares?

The Left seems to care. They want to tax and redistribute wealth, ostensibly for the betterment of society... it won't work guys...

Because you are still inadequate, and in the absence of income inequality there will be a new meassurement - and you are going to like that one even less.

Now let us take the Right...

They have their own angry, "got-the-short-end-of-the-stick" (if you catch my drift) guys who just don't measure up (or whose equipment can't be helped by a little blue pill) and don't want you to either. So its fire and brimstone, family values, and definition of marriage by (male)ministers that get caught with a male prostitute (but he did go to therapy and get cured... besides his wife "forgave" him... for what? For wanting anal sex with a man? Well, like I said, he was "cured" in therapy.)

What a world!

But healthcare and abortion are both "Rights" (anybody see the cluster f*ck with that?), the Left wants to hire ARMIES of goose stepping thugs with guns and jack boots to "regulate" our society into the utopia it could be if we could only have more social justice via being subjected to the vicarious "controlled" violence that only a government can render unto its citizens.

Think I am crazy? Stop paying your income and property taxes - tell me what happens. (Don't do anything so stupid, the challange was rhetorical.)

Be careful what you ask for, you may just get it.

For those of you not old enough to have read Vonnegut in college, here is a link to my personal favorite short story of his... "Harrison Bergeron".

In Solidarity for Freedom



  1. Thanks Greg... you're getting gritty here.
    All true, too true...
    My leftist friends, though, would quote or challenge Richard Rorty - the government/society should be structured so that those innate advantages are mitigated. What was the clever formulation? You should want a society such that you would choose it before you are born and know what your gifts/talents/IQ/wealth will be.

    Do you buy it?
    I don't. I do, however, think that a good society must provide for its indigent.

    I also do not think corporations should be given the legal status of individuals... call me a Jeffersonian libertarian, but I don't believe that a free society can exist when pseudo-individuals of infinite lifespan can amass wealth and power and take over the political process.

    I guess I'm an agrarian/small-trades/yeoman type of libertarian if I am one at all... then there's the role of virtue (and by extension religion)in the maintenance of freedom. A nation of citizens without virtue and discipline will not last long as a democracy or republic.

  2. Publius:

    You think that was gritty? I am just warming up, and I am still holding back. My intention is to make George Carlin appear reserved...

    Back soon

  3. I agree with you that men just want sexual partners, and women want good,competitive genes and reliable fathers. (Not always from the same place!)

    I also agree with meritocracy, the libertarian view that everyone should receive the due benefit from working hard, being intelligent, being healthy and fit, even being good-looking. It's good for the individual and its good for society. I abhor the leftist agenda of trying to drag everyone down to some kind of average or worse.

    But if you support meritocracy (as I do) then the rest of the equation has to be in place; equal access. That means equal access to education, job opportunities (i.e. no discrimination, negative OR positive), health care, and especially law & justice. It also means an end to inherited wealth!

    Now THAT would be a level playing field!

    But wait a minute; that sounds like a leftist agenda again, tax the succesful rich folk to provide equal access to the disadvantaged!

    How about this:
    90% inheritance tax
    say 20% flat-rate income tax
    Free basic health care and all education up to age 18
    Free legal representation for all criminal and many civil defensive cases.

    What do you think?

  4. Donal!

    I always thought you and I would find common ground.

    Except with the inheritance tax. Inheritance makes for a very unlevel playing field, but I don't know that having the government seizing those assets would improve anything... perhaps a 90% Tax on the amount over $20 Million? Or some such outrageous number. Then again, perhaps not.

  5. You mean we agree? Oh shit!
    NOW what are we going to argue about?

    But the Inheritance Tax is an essential because that allows the government to do away with all the other taxes through a person's lifetime and still afford the education and healthcare.

    You can still leave your kids the important things; morals, a good attitude, an enquiring healthy mind, work ethic, manners..... Remenber when those things used to be important?

    Anyway, we all know that inherited wealth usually means layabout waster kids with a trust fund, finding ways of spending it.

    And its a great reason to spend your own money while you're still around to enjoy it!
