Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Left and the Corporations

I get comments and emails regularly from folks that excoriate Corporations.

The Left and the environmental lobby, et al, claim to HATE the American economy's corporate structure.

How disingenuous.

It is the existence of Corporations, in their guise as legal persons living in perpetuity, that enable the Left's social programs to exist.  It is the evolution of the corporation which gave us Medicare, Social Security, the military/industrial complex, the prison/industrial complex, perhaps even the marriage/divorce industrial complex (nah, that last one was me just for fun...).

I can see your eyes glazing over... Stay with me, now...

Without corporate collection of payroll and income taxes, the U.S. Federal Government would not have been able to begin funding all of the silly social programs and military expenditures that will be our undoing.  

Funny about those unintended consequences...



  1. Greg,
    you are absolutely right!
    And I'm still against the legal person fiction for corporations... they should revert to what they were in the early 19th century, and their charters should be revocable not just in theory, but in fact.

    You see... I don't support all the social programs and warfare/welfare states they support!

  2. Thank you for jarring my memory. I had wanted to point out the corporate tax collection issue.

    Regarding their "legal person" status, I am rather agnostic... but perhaps you will help me become better informed.

    Anyway, its a funny old world, isn't it?
