Monday, October 8, 2018

It is Bare Knuckles from this Day Forward

The following is an adaption from my forthcoming non-fiction book, tentatively titled, "Me Neither: The Nobility of Man Amidst the Feminist Mass Hysteria."


“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” – Marcus Aurelius 

At a time when mankind should be celebrating in gratitude for the incredible benefits of the advances, inventions, and services brought to us by the innovations unleased since the dawn of the industrial revolution many Americans live a life of resentment and rage. In a world where intellectualism is ill, hardened in its opinions, and engaged in meritless judgment while worshiping inherently violent belief systems it is Reason that must fight its way to the center of the debate to be heard. We, as individuals, know so very little, and yet many of us seem willing to engage in the use of force and coercion to bring about the social environment of our uninformed imaginations—and are ready and willing to delegate this responsibility to the sort of people who enjoy the use of power and coercion. And while perhaps half of the body politic of the English-speaking world—America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia—and much of Western Europe gnashes its teeth in anger, desiring complete control over the individual, these people cannot even control themselves. Obesity, addiction, depression, and medications just to cope—even suicide—are the order of their day. And while these poor souls have my sympathy, I cannot give their antisocial pathology a pass as they clamor for control and accuse their fellow man of wrongdoing in the furtherance of their poorly defined agenda. 

Our institutions of higher learning have gone mad, and the control freaks and deviants heading the departments of the college cartel and university-industrial complex have lost it. Of course, they will pass from existence, just as we all shall, but since these people rarely produce children, they must recruit the next generation of violent oppressors from the children of the very people they hate—as well as from the pool of immigrants—through the public schools and university-industrial complex. And it is this recruitment process, and the creation, nay manufacture, of wedge issues to influence impressionable young minds that is most destructive to our culture and to Reason itself. Most of this is accomplished via the indoctrination that takes place in our public institutions—our schools and universities—but is also taking place in corporate and government employment and especially in the media. Independent thought and analysis are not acceptable in this era, and anything that strays from the accepted narrative is “hate speech.” One must abide by the morbid philosophies of those in control of our institutions, and only thoroughly indoctrinated “true believers” are considered competent to express an opinion or thought, and the great thinker’s credentials must follow each public utterance—lest we dare to question the Emperor’s New Clothes—ostensibly providing proof for the idea expressed. 

One wonders what credentials Socrates or Pythagoras claimed. 

Our Western culture and way of life are circling the drain in the same circuitous motion as the thoughts and ideas demanded by the institutional group think of our day. The top cites the “wisdom” of the side that quotes the “sense” of the bottom that praises the “knowledge” of the other side which points back to the "wisdom" of the top, and round and round we go.

Studies receive funding for predetermined outcomes, and they maintain all that supports that which the sociopaths in the humanities professoriate seek to assert as they discard everything that detracts. Our best and brightest often spend their youth and beauty in this vortex and dare not swim away from the whirl for fear of having to make a living by their wits rather than the comfort of drawing from the extorted and debt-fueled largesse that finances the parasite’s lifestyle. Most of these people fully recognize that in the mart of competitive commerce they would be reduced to picking through garbage cans and dumpsters, such is the market value of their education, skills, and knowledge.

Marcus Aurelius said, “The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.” Well, when I look this in the face and know them for what they are, I see the Authoritarian, Feminist/LGBT, and Collectivist Left (“AFCL”). And we are in the final battle with this cohort for the survival of Western Culture. On one side are the people who respect and regard the male's Life-Giving-Force that has brought forth Noble Man for what and who he is, and; on the other are the deranged people of the AFCL, intent on snuffing out our existence with the notion that they possess a better way, despite their abject terror of the stuff that our future consists of and the path that we must tread to get there—the passion and desire that men hold for women and the love for our children that provides the way forward for humanity in the form of the next generation. For we are mortal, and we will all soon return to the earth. 

Do Feminists and people suffering from heterosexual dysphoria intend to reproduce, parent, and provide for the next generation? It has been my consistent observation that this cohort struggles to provide for themselves (it is not a coincidence that childless people are so enamored with the idea of socialism and despise the idea of private property and inheritance). And despite this simple fact—that people who do not bear children cannot prevail in an intergenerational philosophical dispute—the AFCL is willing to scorch the very earth in their quest for vengeance upon Creation itself to assuage the anger and self-loathing they feel about the defects in their nature. And I think this manifests itself in the manner in which they seek demographic advantage via the murder of the unborn of the people they perceive as their oppressors and enemies (not to mention the slaughter of innocents around the world in the never-ending “War on Terror” as a way of leveling the demographic playing field between the childless LGBT and fecund Muslims). For it is the hatred of men and the product of heterosexual men—children—that unite these defective personalities into the political special interest group we see in news clips wearing black masks as they commit property crimes and visit violence on their fellow man. 

I don’t deny the humanity of the AFCL, and I wish them no harm! I merely point out the critical defects in their understanding that are inherently violent and evil. They are still human and hold the spark of the Devine within them—and distant and difficult to see as it is, it is still there. And while there is Life, there is hope—even if many of these poor souls will prove to be beyond redemption. As Epictetus famously said, “You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.” People who have had the life-changing experience of watching their children come into this world and who put in the extreme and strenuous efforts of parenthood understand this concept without the need for philosophical instruction. Unfortunately, the AFCL more often than not does not have the benefit of the maturation process of parenthood. And when they do, it is often so late in life that they are incapable of benefiting intellectually from experience. 

The AFCL and their pathological sycophants running the indoctrination centers of the college cartel despise cognitive generalization and categorization. We can see that demonstrated clearly in their assertions regarding gender and the concept of human nature. But the basis of all cognition is categorization. Ideas must be recognized and differentiated if they are to be understood. Generalization is necessary for classification because human perception cannot function with an infinite set of categories. Keep that in mind the next time someone criticizes you. "Generalize much?" is a typical response (and dead give away as to the maturity and intellectual capacity of the responder) in discussions on social media.

Stay with me as I categorize and generalize the philosophy and personality traits dominating the people of the Authoritarian, Feminist/LGBT, and Collectivist Left, and lay bare the inherent violence of their irrational belief system and their willingness to use force and coercion to impose their moral, political, and personal agendas on the rest of us. We are suffering through incredible mass hysteria. We need time to get over it, but we also need intellectual ammunition to fight back. I hope that this book will provide people with a narrative that might help them bring a lost soul, perhaps even their own, back into the fold of humanity. 

"I have come to realize that men are not born to be free. Liberty is a need felt by a small class of people who nature endowed with minds higher than the mass of men." Napoleon Bonaparte

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