Saturday, August 13, 2011

Whoa, Boy!

I have been going through a round of de-motivation. I have been blogging about what I see going on around me, admittedly from my own perspective, for 6 + years.

Watching the U.S. rack up $1Trillion budgets - 3 years in a row - so that no one has to "suffer", watching 50% of American children growing up with subsidized housing, or subsidized food, or subsidized healthcare, or housing or.... whatever (and growing up not to be self-supporting men and women but cowed slaves of the benevolent Big Brother), culminating in last week's S & P downgrade of U.S. debt... (and actually... I only WISH that were the culmination)...

Whoa, Boy! "May you live in interesting times"... and then I had the great pleasure to read this article today... only Mr. Podhoretz did not go far enough. I have said it before and I wills say it again:

The Left has been reduced to a One Issue movement or political group - and that issue is ABORTION.

Obama and his ilk have failed at everything... and have ruined anything and everything they have put their hands on... and yet, the intelligentsia still support these knuckle heads... WHY? Because, in the final analysis, they are being held together, and are surviving by, just one issue. Doubt this?

Think about it... if Obama and a couple of other big shot Leftist said that they stand by ALL of their silly Keynesian horse sh#!... BUT, had come to their senses and now reject the idea that somehow abortion is not killing innocent human beings for convenience... their party, movement, whatever you wish to call it... would disintegrate overnight. (Not long ago, they were the party of abortion and divorce... but the evolution of pre-nuptual agreements and the outright rejection of marriage took them down to the one issue...)

What does the Left stand for? Abortion and benevolent government (and an electorate addicted to that government's services). Benevolent government is imploding around us as we speak, irrespective of our willingness to notice... can you name something else the Left stands for? Come on... they are STATISTS... and the State has failed.... and yet they are still bound together... and by what? Abortion... with a little, and I mean very little, Gay marriage on the side.

Look, our system has some failures... the diversion of wealth to a very small fraction of the population is a glaring example... but maybe.... no, probably, much (with a large helping of political buy offs by the Elite) of that has to do with the values of the people participating and supporting the system... maybe by not saving and investing, by not demanding that our government run its finances appropriately, by not living within our means, being good neighbors and citizens that do not demand so much "free stuff", and believing that something can be had for nothing... the problem is US.

The Left is dead. They killed themselves with abortion (look at the offspring of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Senate, and the State Legislatures... the Republicans out breed Democrats nearly 2 to 1) and with failed policies.

Who will fill the void?


  1. Well, I wouldn't be bringing on the fat lady just yet. The Left still controls the unholy trinity: media, schools and courts. The MSM to only tell what they want told, schools to indoctrinate instead of teach and courts to make sure the result of any law is the result that they want.
    The schools are very important to counteract that annoying breeding issue. This way the Left gets to bring up their kids as bosses, while those silly conservatives get to pay for their children and watch them turned into good little Leftists. Yes, this isn't a sure thing for them, but they get enough from that along with the purchased (by subsidy) votes and outright vote fraud to keep in charge, by and large.

  2. Abortion goes hand in hand with feminism as their major selling point. I see your reasoning but I still think "hatred of the White man" is the glue that keeps the left conglomerate together.

    Whether the code word for White man is: The Man, Institutional racism, anti-corporatism, Patriarchy, Christianity, Heterosexual, Global warming, Tea Party or whatever. As long as they continue to strike out in that direction the various groups will remain intact.

  3. PP: THe Left IS Feminism... and the Feminists are the Left. I despise the Left and I consider myself no fan of the corporatocracy... as you know, I am very much secular (it drives my Lefty friends batty that I oppose abortion in all its forms while not relying on a religious platform for said opposition)... but even so, my money says that Christianity will survive the Left and Feminists without fear or effort.

    Tweel: Me thinks - The media is being usurped by the Web, the Courts are under attack from all sides (of the Web)... the bottle neck (stranglehold) of the Left on the University system is done by a combination of the peek in student loans and the Web... on the issue of the Left needing to recruit from our high schools and colleges... THERE IS NO QUESTION that this is indeed going on... but again, the stranglehold of lies and disinformation has been broken by the Web.

  4. BUt what about my assertion? That the only thing holding the Left together is the Abortion issue? Their economic failure is complete, and they have NO CHANCE of holding the Senate in 2012... the WHite House is very much for grabs...and the demographics only get worse from there...

    the problem is that we ARE in need of a 2 party system... a REAL 2 party system... and we have had only one party for decades with 2 sets of loonies under the one tent.... AND we need the future 2 parties to actually respect and honor the f***@!g document from which they draw their authority to govern.

  5. I no longer think it is possible for the left to further their agenda AND honor the Constitution. Which will lead to an eventual fracture unless they can manage to change it or have the SCOTUS make whatever move legal. Even the last one won't hold if they push it too far.

  6. The elite left may be undermining their numbers via abortion and low levels of breeding as you say, but the masses that vote for the Left, the ones heavily into the entitlement payments, are practically doing nothing *but* breeding, because, as a coworker once put it to me, "Bell, (my nickname), for some of us - that's all we've ever had [sex that is.]

    Needless to say that I was left speechless and very depressed.

  7. Federalists, Republican, Whig, Democrat... we have had several parties and I think we will have several more. The days are dark.but they are not 1859 dark. It seems to me we will get another party, or parties, soon enough and life will go on.

    It struck me last week that we are on a curve. On black Monday in 1987 we should have dealt with the realestate problem then, but Allen Greedscam steped on the gas and we speed to the dot com bubble, then TARP, then on to today. So we have been dealing with this leverage/fraud issue since at least 1987. Well Black Monday to Dot Com was a little over 4k days, I don't have the exact numbers because I don't have my notebook infringement of me, then Dot Com to tarp was a little over 3k days, and Dot Com to TARP was a little over 1k days ,so the next crisis is due now. Furthermore if this is the next crisis I'm the series is due in either 168 or 169 days followed by another one either 12 or 14 days after. If I'm right, and I hope I'm not, the next one after that would be the next morning followed by another one that afternoon. Obviously we will never get that far.

    If that is the case one if not both parties are dead before Feburary 2012.

    P.s. please excuse my spelling/grammar, I can,t even see this as I'm typing and it will be sometime next week before I have feathering, and another month or so before I have a good connection.

  8. I am not so sure about the economic situation keeping the hard left from the levers of power. Their claim is that what President Obama and his cheering section did wasn't enough. They are using FDR's playbook, and what FDR did to the US has been thoroughly whitewashed in the history books taught today. It worked to get FDR re-elected then, and even with the Internet it can work now.
    One October surprise that is already under way is a movie about the bin Laden operation. Expect Obama to be wearing a halo in that one. Figure on candidate sabotage to get the most innocuous Republican candidate possible (Mittens), then scandal manufacturing from then on. Plan on the military vote being lost in the mail, ballot boxes being stuffed (either electronically or the old-fashioned way). If caught, by the time they are before a judge (after postponements, motions and more postponements), people will have moved on and they will be let off easy. I believe that with last minute manufactured scandals and outright cheating they can swing the vote by a maximum of 4%. That may not look like much, but applied in the right spots it is huge.
    What can we do? Whatever we can. Still, just because it looks like Abortion is the only issue holding the various factions together from the outside doesn't mean that the folks comprising those factions feel the same way.

  9. Doh that should be TARP until TODAY is a little over 1k days

  10. He is following a simulacrum of the FDR Playbook. First off, having talked with some men who worked for the CCC, a lot of these guys believed their CCC jobs kept them and their family's from starving. I seriously doubt any of the highway workers that repaved perfictly good roads felt the same way. The CCC mainly used what was abundant, human labor and local materials, to make what didn't exist at the time, schools Parks etc. The stimulus retoped perfictly good roads. The CCC took unskilled laborers and gave them on the job traning so they learned a trade. The overwhelming majority of highway workers who got the stimulus were already highway workers before the stimulus. Most of the CCC works are still around and the work was top notch, I go to some of the parks reguarly and the are gorgeous. Most of the roads fixed with the stimulus will need retoped in a decade.

    No way Obama gets a boost from the stimulus that compares with with what FDR got, but I'm sure he will try to spin it that way.

  11. Incidently I talked with an engineer at the highway depth. about concrete roads and he said the wear and tear is mainly caused by deflection and the wear and tear is roughly porpotinal to the square of the weight of the load. Concrete roads only subjected to light vehicle traffic will last forever, it's the semis that do all the damage. That is why concrete residential roads last forever and highways do not. It also means in some respects the entire stimulus was a subsidy to the trucking industry.

  12. Interesting concrete road summary Dan. I had also heard concrete or slab roads lasted forever but some months back we had a discussion over at Greg's other blog and some disagreed with that theory. Makes sense though.

  13. My brother is an engineer for the county road department and he agrees with your highway department engineer, Dan. We have concrete here in downtown Phoenix AZ that was laid down by the CCC and is still in use, but there's very little heavy truck traffic on it.

  14. Here in the Boston area, the concrete roads that I know of don't hold up. While it may be true that the road doesn't crack completely through, the top surface of the road abrades away and after a dozen years or so, is really rough and noisy. Most of said roads (sections of Interstate 495 south of Boston through the Franklin area come right to mind) have been since resurfaced with hot mix asphalt. Ditto for significant sections of the New York State Throughway west of the Capital District.
