Dear American Women:
“Respect”. What does the word mean? And how has it become the rallying cry of the Feminist (Democrat) Party? Are men deserving of “Respect”? If not, why not? Why is the “polyamorousness” (how is THAT for PC?) of Gay Men acceptable – but the polyamourous Straight Man is something to be abhorred?
“Respect”. What does the word mean? And how has it become the rallying cry of the Feminist (Democrat) Party? Are men deserving of “Respect”? If not, why not? Why is the “polyamorousness” (how is THAT for PC?) of Gay Men acceptable – but the polyamourous Straight Man is something to be abhorred?
Why do Feminists openly mock women who reject Feminism? Why don’t Feminists “respect” all women?
Does "Might Make Right" in any form? When is the use of force or coercion justified?
Why are women entitled to kill an unborn child without input from the father? Was no contract created between the two during intercourse? Why are men “deadbeat dads” when they do not wish to be a father, but a woman that does not wish to be a mother is a “strong and independent” woman? Why is it a double homicide to kill a pregnant woman?
Does "Might Make Right" in any form? When is the use of force or coercion justified?
Why are women entitled to kill an unborn child without input from the father? Was no contract created between the two during intercourse? Why are men “deadbeat dads” when they do not wish to be a father, but a woman that does not wish to be a mother is a “strong and independent” woman? Why is it a double homicide to kill a pregnant woman?
Why do men represent 94% of workplace fatalities? And 95% of serious workplace injuries? Why don’t women care? Don’t Women want Men to care about their (manufactured) "workplace" issues? Why do judges and juries sentence men to much longer prison sentences for the same crime, and why do prosecutors overcharge men, under charge women, and seek more plea bargains with women for the same crimes?
Why do women represent 70% of all divorce filings? Shouldn’t it be 50%?
Why do women live 6 years longer than men?
Why do women live 6 years longer than men?
Why are Lesbian women interested in the sex lives of Straight Women? Why are Lesbian Women interested in the abortion issue? Is unwanted pregnancy a big problem for that demographic? Why are Lesbian Women more interested in the "freedom" of Straight Women than the "freedom" of Men? Aren't they interested in "equality'?
Why does the National Organization for Women oppose “shared (equal) parenting?” Why is it OK to mutilate the genitalia of baby boys but not girls? Did anybody ask THE BOY CHILD? If Women are the primary victims of war (Sec. Clinton’s assertion), why is it that over 95% of U.S. war dead are male?
Why is ANY physical coercion or punishment against children by their mothers legal if it is not legal between the child’s parents? Why do studies show (Deborah Capaldi, Ph.D., researcher) that physical violence in a domestic relationship is initiated by the woman more than twice as often as by the man, and yet men represent nearly 90% of domestic violence arrests?
Why is it that the vast majority of people claiming to be “Feminists” have not read any Feminist theory and essentially none of Feminism's many founding/major works?
Doesn’t the achievement and maintenance of an erection sufficient for the survival of mankind absolutely DEMAND OBJECTIFYING the woman stimulating the arousal response? How could a woman possibly know, one way or the other? Why can’t we talk about the role of the male erection, its necessity to humankind, and its place in human fertility?
Why does the National Organization for Women oppose “shared (equal) parenting?” Why is it OK to mutilate the genitalia of baby boys but not girls? Did anybody ask THE BOY CHILD? If Women are the primary victims of war (Sec. Clinton’s assertion), why is it that over 95% of U.S. war dead are male?
Why is ANY physical coercion or punishment against children by their mothers legal if it is not legal between the child’s parents? Why do studies show (Deborah Capaldi, Ph.D., researcher) that physical violence in a domestic relationship is initiated by the woman more than twice as often as by the man, and yet men represent nearly 90% of domestic violence arrests?
Why is it that the vast majority of people claiming to be “Feminists” have not read any Feminist theory and essentially none of Feminism's many founding/major works?
Doesn’t the achievement and maintenance of an erection sufficient for the survival of mankind absolutely DEMAND OBJECTIFYING the woman stimulating the arousal response? How could a woman possibly know, one way or the other? Why can’t we talk about the role of the male erection, its necessity to humankind, and its place in human fertility?
Why is it #HeForShe and not #WeForAll?
Why do Feminists infantilize women with safe spaces—complete with pay doh!? Are women not capable adults?
Why do Feminists infantilize women with safe spaces—complete with pay doh!? Are women not capable adults?
Why would people who use the most X-Rated language in bed with their partner become offended when far tamer language is used in a private conversation?
I will have some more questions shortly, and I will certainly have a number of questions for those courageous enough to answer any of the above… which leads me to my last question:
Why aren’t men allowed to question any of this?
Yours in Freedom
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