Sunday, August 9, 2009

These guys are protecting us?

A car being driven by somebody fleeing the police for a traffic stop hit a family vehicle, killing 4 of the 5 children and injuring the other child and parents critically.

Why do the police continue high speed chases?  How many of these incidents have to happen? 

Law enforcement , from the beat cop to the Supreme Court, needs a different M.O. We have created a nation of gangsters with our prison system, and now the police are chasing people for minor infractions - causing fatal accidents.

Enough already.  Who the F#@k is managing these people?

1 comment:

  1. Years ago I read somewhere an analysis of the motivations of police, army etc. The problem is the police NEED criminals to justify their existance! No criminals = no police.

    So the police have a financial incentive NOT to solve crimes, catch criminals, close down gangs; if they succeed they lose their jobs! That's a big disincentive, and I think the result is a never-ending increase in crime and a 'co-operation' by police and criminals to establish an acceptable level of criminal activity. It's in all their interests!!

    As to your example; the obvious adreneline and male-ego pleasures of legally racing a car in a chase appeals to most young males. I wonder how many female police drivers have been involved in such accidents?
