Tuesday, November 18, 2014

And here comes Ferguson, Part 2

- continued from the previous post

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man by a 28-year-old white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., (in addition to the explosion in the streets of Ferguson) the internet exploded in battle lines and conclusions being drawn.

Was it race? Of course it was, but before you think I have gone daft let me explain:

As I have already pointed out, Europe, with more than twice the population of the U.S., almost NEVER shoots and kills its citizens – even when the criminal is twice the size of the Law Enforcement Officer (“LEO”) as was the officer’s (only possible) reasoning in the Ferguson shooting. Yet many, if not most, non-African Americans were not terribly disturbed by the idea that in America LEO’s kill over 1,000 people per year – many of them unarmed (and many more not an immediate threat). (For those of you holding the 400 people per year number reported by the FBI, please see my previous post as to why that number is absurd at best – and certainly a national disgrace as reported.)

So what is up with non-Leftist/non African American America?

In addition to a high percentage of militarized mindsets (look, Europe does not have millions of ex-military personnel running around. America provides for Europe’s defense, and however you might feel about it the fact is this: America puts a lot of young men through its militarization indoctrination programs. This indoctrination is vastly different than that used in Israeli or Switzerland’s military indoctrination programs. To argue that this does not have a lasting effect on these people – both positive and negative – would be an impossible position to support. The idea that such militarized mindsets are a natural fit for Law Enforcement is, I think and if I may be permitted the use of understatement, an idea that needs to be reexamined), a lifetime mind soak in the Hollywood glorification of murder and mayhem, and still more indoctrination in the various institutions, churches, and other organizations from the Boy Scouts on up (I know, my inner Quaker is showing through). In addition to the aforementioned, I think it is safe to say that:

Non Liberal/Non-African Americans (let’s call them NLNA Americans) are simply “exhausted” (exasperated?) with the dysfunction of the African American demographic. That “exhaustion” is so thoroughly unexpurgated that G-d fearing NLNA American 
human beings have taken to publicly mocking Michael Brown’s grieving mother and father, unable to empathize with the suffering that other parents should and normally would be able grasp in the face of a mother losing her child – 18 years of diapers, little league, trips to the doctor, Halloween costumes, Christmas gifts, school projects all ended in a hail of bullets on the discretion of a 28 year old pre-frontal cortex that wanted to carry a gun for a living.

Wrap your mind around that for a moment.  Let that sink in good and deep.

Michael Brown’s mother lost her 18-year-old son in a police shooting in which, by all accounts, he was trying to surrender; and yet many people cannot feel her pain?

These are not NAZI’s. Or cannibals. So how did these NLNA Americans get so desensitized to another human being’s agony?

Consider this: A demographic of the American melting pot that has determined to self-separate itself from everyone else must succeed on its own (i.e., Jews in America). Insisting on separating – by personal style, mannerisms, speech, diet, music, etc… while holding others in contempt  - demands that the self separating group succeed in its separation on its own and by the merits.

And while I recognize the victimization of African Americans throughout the history of America up until the Civil Rights movement, it has been over 40 years, and Trillions of $$ spent to wind up with a demographic that literally fills the nation’s prison’s, where 90% of its children will require food assistance from the government, more than half will require housing subsidies, where the vast majority are born to single mothers, where 1/3 of their pregnancies are terminated via abortion and where 2% of the American population commits 50% of its crime (black males between 15 and 24). What country in the history of the world has had a seemingly permanent and entrenched underclass such as this?

Is this the legacy that the Civil Rights movement and the late, great Martin Luther King worked for?  I rather think not.

In short we have on the one hand a demographic that has lost its ability to empathize with its fellow man and on the other hand a demographic that has run so far off of the rails that its young adults attack police officers and get shot… in no small part because of the absurd circuitous logic of this particular cluster f***.

And a third appendage – the American Left - that has contributed mightily in bringing all of this about and is doing everything that it can to exacerbate the issue for its own political agenda (to keep abortion safe for America).

-this is the 2nd in a series of articles.

-to be continued

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