The U.K. is experiencing U.S. style riots, at first mostly in its Black communities (I do not wish to offend... African American does not fit U.K. subjects)... and now spreading to other "working class" and impoverished areas.
The cause of liberty and small government are certainly NOT served by rioting, looting, vandalism, and violence. The cause is served by hard work, diligence, respect for one's neighbors and the community at large, and the effort to further the interests of one's family through enlightened (as opposed to criminal) self interest. Did I mention not harming your fellow man? That, too.
The U.K. has, for the most part, no history of African slaves on its soil (although the U.K.'s merchant fleet seems to have trafficked in African slaves quite a bit)... why, then the outcome of hopelessness and lack of economic participation?
Me thinks the export of America's media has not helped the Black community in the U.K., if I make use of understatement.
I have feelings of solidarity for my fellow man when they are being oppressed, but I have little sympathy for those that will not help themselves, and nothing but scorn for those that would profit by exporting disaster to others. That would be you, Hollywood and the low life's running the world of Rap.
For the media nit-wits State-side that continue to stoke the flames of anger and resentment for political gain:
Please take a hard look at what is going on in London... and then keep in mind that the U.K. has a history of police restraint which the U.S. lacks... and that the U.S. has guns aplenty, something the U.K. lacks. There is enough dry tinder here to do some real damage to real people... no need to walk around setting off sparks and lit matches... that is, if you have any humanity at all.
I have noted that these riots are taking place only in areas where the law-abiding have been disarmed. In Britain, They've gone a step further and prosecuted anyone who defends themselves. There the Black mob only has to fear the football hooligans. A native of the area would be able to say if the riots are carefully keeping out of certain areas, I'd bet on it myself.
ReplyDeleteIn the US, expect the cities where this is happening to have even more of the productive folks leave (not just white flight, law-abiding people aren't color-coded). Where the population hasn't been disarmed, the mob won't go. There have been attempts to organize illegal/hispanic mobs here in Arizona, but it doesn't fly in the land of open carry. The last one I saw became a peaceful demonstration, as the hopeful rioters sought protection behind the police from the tea party armed citizens.
Tweell makes a good point. The Wisconsin riot was in another anti-gun area. In Wisconsin currently (although about to change) it is illegal to conceal carry period and open carry is typically not allowed either. If you have a firearm in your vehicle it must be locked in a box and unloaded with the ammo in a separate container I believe.
ReplyDeleteAll that being said however when someone does defend themselves from these flashmobs all hell is going to break loose.
Europe has an illegal immigrant probler that is almost as large as ours. While our undocumented guestworkers are largly Mexican Catholics thirds are mostly north African Moslems. It is too soon to tell what is behind the latest riots but I suspect it is religion. The code words across the pond are "southernrrs" and "youths". Some other Europiean country's with these issues are: Norway where a madman just murdered a bunch of kids because the were at a camp hosted by the most pro immigration party. Sweeden where the "youths" are staging a politically motivated rape wave. And France where "youths" in the suburbs, aka slums, regularly torch 100k or so cars over a weekend.
ReplyDeleteIn France the "youths" were demanding that the police leave the "occupied terrorties" in France, the suburbs. They also captured a number of "hunting weapons" that had been smuggeled in from the baltics. It is worth noting modern military hardware are not hunting weapons.
Anger and resentment has been sold for political gains... instead of exhorting people to work hard and rise up our media has convinced people that they are being harmed by others even as they collect largesse from the various governments... it is a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand... I am feeling much better... the farm runs like a top, although my veggie garden fell behind when I was sick... all my other systems are in working order and require little outside inputs (feed). I have take to slaughter early, not wasting grass nor feed... raising hogs for sale to others has not proven economical... raising a couple of hogs for the family has been very economical... 4 out of 5 cows are bred or have calved, the other cow is being picked up for someone's family reunion. Around here, you either breed, give milk, or you go.